Allyn Hoang
Allyn Hoang was born on April 2nd, 1988 at Dallas Texas USA. Her age is 34. age and belongs to the Aries astrological constellation. The woman is born in the United States of American descent. Allyn hasn't yet disclosed her parents' names or other details. However it is known that Hoang has a sister, but her name has not been revealed. Hoang uploaded a picture of herself and her sibling on her Instagram in December of 2013. Hoang's parents, she explained had come to America with very little money and offered her and her younger sister what they could. Allyn is among America's most well-known and well-known television hosts. Hoang has earned her reputation through her presentation skills in American TV history. An Emmy-winning journalist as well. Allyn participated in beauty pageants and was later capable of hosting on TV. Later, she was a volunteer for the Salvation Army. Hoang's career in journalism began when she was a teenager. At the age of 17 she began her wo...